and Water Conservation
Biological Methods for Erosion
Control: Contour cultivation and Cropping Systems
Methods for Erosion Control:
The methods used for controlling soil
erosion through crops or vegetation and through agronomical practices are known
as biological methods. The methods discussed herein are applicable both for
controlling water and wind erosion.
The biological methods for controlling
water erosion consist of:
(1) Contour cultivation,
(2) Cropping systems, and
Contour cultivation means carrying out
agricultural operations like planting, tillage and inter-cultivation very
nearly on the contour. Contour cultivation reduces the velocity of overland
flow and retards soil erosion. In some cases, after the inter-cultivation
operations a ridge and furrow system or the contour develops and offers greater
resistance to surface runoff.Crops like maize, sorghum, pearl, millet which are
normally grown in rows are ideally suited for contour cultivation. To layout
the system in the field, guidelines are marked across the slope using a Dumpy
level or even a hand level. All the subsequent agricultural operations are
carried out making use of the guidelines.
Strip cropping means growing different
crops in alternate strips across the slope such that they serve as vegetative
barriers to erosion. The alternate strips consist of close growing erosion
resisting crops to erosion permitting crops like row crops.
To achieve the best results, strip
cropping is to be done in combination with other farming practices, like good
crop rotations, contour cultivation etc.
There are four types of strip cropping
They are:
(1) Contour strip cropping,
(2) Field strip cropping,
(3) Buffer strip cropping, and
(4) Wind strip cropping.
Contour strip cropping means growing
alternate strips of erosion permitting and erosion resisting crops along the
contour. Depending upon the topography the widths of the strips will vary.
In field strip cropping the strips are
laid across the slope in uniform width without taking into consideration the
exact contours. This method is useful on regular slopes and with the soils of
high infiltration rates.
In wind strip cropping the crop strips are
laid out at right angles to the direction of the prevailing winds irrespective
of the direction of the land slope. The objective here is to control wind
erosion rather than water erosion.
In buffer strip cropping permanent strips
of grasses are located either in badly eroded areas or in areas that do not fit
into a regular rotation.
Grassed Waterways
Grassed waterways are natural or
man made constructed channels established for the transport of concentrated
flow at safe velocities from the catchment using adequate erosion resistant
vegetation which cover the channels. These channels are used for the safe
disposal of excess runoff from the crop lands to some safe outlet, namely
rivers, reservoirs, streams etc. without causing soil erosion. Terraced and
bunded crop lands, diversion channels, spillways, contour furrows, etc. from
which excess runoff is to be disposed of, preferably use constructed grassed
waterways for safe disposal of the runoff. The grassed waterways outlets are
constructed prior to the construction of terraces, bunds etc. because grasses
take time to get established on the channel bed. Generally, it is recommended
that there should be a gap of one year so that the grasses can be established
during the rainy season.
27.1 Purpose of Grassed Waterways
Grassed waterways are used as
outlets to prevent rill and gully formation. The vegetative cover slows the
water flow, minimizing channel surface erosion. When properly constructed,
grassed waterways can safely transport large water flows to the down slope.
These waterways can also be used as outlets for water released from contoured
and terraced systems and from diverted channels. This best management practice
can reduce sedimentation of nearby water bodies and pollutants in runoff. The
vegetation improves the soil aeration and water quality (impacting the aquatic
habitat) due to its nutrient removal (nitrogen, phosphorus, herbicides and
pesticides) through plant uptake and sorption by soil. The waterways can also
provide a wildlife habitat.
27.2 Design of Grassed Waterways
The designs of the grassed
waterways are similar to the design of the irrigation channels and are designed
based on their functional requirements. Generally, these waterways are designed
for carrying the maximum runoff for a 10- year recurrence interval period. The
rational formula is invariably used to determine the peak runoff rate.
Waterways can be shorter in length or sometimes, can be even very long. For
shorter lengths, the estimated flow at the waterways outlets forms the design
criterion, and for longer lengths, a variable capacity waterway is designed to
account for the changing drainage areas.
27.2.1 Size of Waterway
The size of the waterway depends
upon the expected runoff. A 10 year recurrence interval is used to calculate
the maximum expected runoff to the waterway. As the catchment area of the
waterway increases towards the outlet, the expected runoff is calculated for
different reaches of the waterway and used for design purposes. The waterway is
to be given greater cross-sectional area towards the outlet as the amount of
water gradually increases towards the outlet. The cross-sectional area is
calculated using the following formula:
Soil and Water Conservation
where, a = cross-sectional area of the
Q = expected maximum runoff,
V = velocity of
27.2.2 Shape of Water Way
The shape of the waterway depends
upon the field conditions and type of the construction equipment used. The
three common shapes adopted are trapezoidal, triangular, and parabolic shapes.
In course of time due to flow of water and sediment depositions, the waterways
assume an irregular shape nearing the parabolic shape. If the farm machinery
has to cross the waterways, parabolic shape or trapezoidal shape with very flat
side slopes are preferred. The geometric characteristics of different waterways
are shown in Fig. 27.1 and Fig. 27.2 for trapezoidal and parabolic waterways
Fig. 27.1. Trapezoidal
Cross-section. (Source: Murty, 2009)
In the figure, d is the depth of
water flow, b is bottom width, t is the top width of maximum water conveyance,
T is top width after considering free board depth, (D - d) is the free board
and slope (z) is c/d.
The design dimensions for
trapezoidal and parabolic waterways are given in Tables 27.1 and 27.2
Table 27.1. Design Dimensions for
Trapezoidal Cross-section
Soil and Water Conservation
Fig. 27.2. Parabolic Cross-section.
(Source: Murty, 2009)
Table 27.2. Design Dimensions for
Parabolic Cross-Section
27.2.3 Channel Flow Velocity
The velocity of flow in a grassed
waterway is dependent on the condition of the vegetation and the soil
erodibility. It is recommended to have a uniform cover of vegetation over the
channel surface to ensure channel stability and smooth flow. The velocity of
flow through the grassed waterway depends upon the ability of the vegetation in
the channel to resist erosion. Even though different types of grasses have
different capabilities to resist erosion; an average of 1.0 m/sec to 2.5 m/sec
are the average velocities used for design purposes. It may be noted that the
average velocity of flow is higher than the actual velocity in contact with the
bed of the channel. Velocity distribution in a grassed lined channel is shown
in Fig. 27.3. Recommended velocities of flow based on the type of vegetation
are shown in Table 27.3. The permissible velocities of flow on different types
of soils are given in table 27.4.
Fig. 27. 3. Velocity Distribution
in Open Channel (Source: Murty, 2009)
Soil and Water Conservation
Table 27.3. Recommend Velocities of
Flow in a Vegetated Channel.
Type of vegetation cover
Flow velocity, (m/s)
Type Magnitude
Spare green cover Low velocity
Good quality cover Medium velocity
Excellent quality cover High
velocity 1.8-2.5
Table 27.4. Permissible Velocity of Flow on
Different Types of Soil.
Type of soil
Permissible velocity, (m/s)
Clean water Colloidal water
Very fine sand 0.45 0.75
Sandy loam 0.55 0.75
Silty loam 0.60 0.90
Alluvial silt without colloids 0.60
Dense clay 0.75 1.00
Hard clay, colloidal 1.10 1.50
Very hard clay 1.80 1.80
Fine gravel 0.75 1.50
Medium and coarse gravel 1.20 1.80
Stones 1.50 1.80
Soil and Water Conservation
27.2.4 Design of Cross-Section
The design of the cross-section is
done using Equation 27.1 for finding the area required and Manning‟s formula is
used for cross checking the velocity. A trial procedure is adopted. For
required cross-sectional area, the dimensions of the channel section are
assumed. Using hydraulic property of the assumed section, the average velocity
of flow through the channel cross-section is calculated using the Manning‟s
formula as below:
where, V = velocity of flow in m/s;
S = energy slope in m/m; R = hydraulic
mean radius of the section in m and n = Manning‟s roughness coefficient.
The Manning‟s roughness coefficient
is to be selected depending on the existing and proposed vegetation to be
established in the bed of the channel. Velocity is not an independent
parameter. It will depend on n which is already fixed according to vegetation,
R which is a function of the channel geometry and slope S for uniform flow.
Slope S has to be adjusted. If the existing land slope gives high velocity,
alignment of the channel has to be changed to get the desired velocity.
Problem 27.1: Design a grassed
waterway of parabolic shape to carry a flow of 2.6 m3/s down a slope of 3
percent. The waterway has a good stand of grass and a velocity of 1.75 m/s can
be allowed. Assume the value of n in Manning‟s formula as 0.04.
Solution: Using, Q = AV for a
velocity of 1.75 m/s, a cross-section of 2.6/1.75 = 1.485 m2 (~1.5 m2) is
Assuming, t = 4 m, d = 60 cm.
The velocity exceeds the
permissible limit. Assuming a revised
t = 6 m and d = 0.4 m
Soil and Water Conservation
The velocity is within the
permissible limit.
Q = 1.6 × 1.7 = 2.72 m3/s
The carrying capacity (Q) of the
waterway is more than the required. Hence, the design of waterway is
satisfactory. A suitable freeboard to the depth is to be provided in the final
27.2.5 Construction of the
It is advantageous to construct the
waterways at least one season before the bunding. It will give time for the grasses
to get established in the waterways. First, unnecessary vegetation like shrubs
etc. are removed from the area is marked for the waterways. The area is then
ploughed if necessary and smoothened. Establishment of the grass is done either
by seeding or sodding technique. Maintenance of the waterways is important for
their proper operation. Removal of weeds, filling of the patches with grass and
proper cutting of the grass are of the common maintenance operations that
should be followed for an efficient use of waterways.
27.3 Selection of Suitable Grasses
The soil and climate conditions are
the primary factors in selection of vegetations to be established for
construction of grassed waterways. The other factors to be considered for
selection of suitable grasses are duration of establishment, volume and
velocity of runoff, ease of establishment and time required to develop a good
vegetative cover. Furthermore, the suitability of the vegetation for
utilization as feed or hay, spreading of vegetation to the adjoining fields,
cost and availability of seeds and redundancy to shallow flows in relation to
the sedimentation are the important factors that should be considered for the
selection of vegetation.
Generally, the rhizomatous grasses
are preferred for the waterway, because they get spread very quickly and
provide more protection to the channel than the brush grasses. Deep rooted
legumes are seldom used for grassed waterways, because they have the tendency
to loosen the soil and thus make the soil more erodible under the effect of
fast flowing runoff water. Sometimes, a light seeding of small grain is also
used to develop a quick cover before the grasses are fully established in the
27.4 Construction Procedure and
Ordinary tools such as slip scraper
can be easily used for construction of waterways. However, the use of grader
blade or a bulldozer can be preferred, particularly when a considerable earth
movement is needed. Since the channel is prone to erosion before
Soil and Water Conservation
vegetations are established, it is
very essential to construct the waterway when the field is in meadow and the
amount of runoff from the area is also very less. In addition, if the erosion
hazard is very high, then runoff should also be essentially diverted from the
waterway until a good grassed cover is developed in the waterway.
The construction of grassed
waterways is carried out using the following steps.
Step-1: Shaping (Soil Digging)
The shaping of the waterway should
be done as straight and even as possible. Any sudden fall or sharp turn must be
eliminated, except in the area where the structure is planned to be installed
in the waterway. In addition, the grade should also be shaped according to the
designed plan. Also, the stones and stumps which are likely to interfere with
the discharge rate must be removed.
Step-2: Grass Planting
After shaping the waterway channel,
the planting of grasses is very important. Priorities should always be given to
the local species of grasses. The short forming or rhizome grasses are more
preferable as compared to the tall bunch type grasses.
In large waterways, the seeding is
cheaper than the sodding. Therefore, the seeding should be preferred for grass
development. It is also suggested that the seeded area should be mulched
especially for production purposes. Immediately after grass planting, the
waterways should not be allowed for runoff flow.
Step 3: Ballasting
Ballasting is done in those
localities where rocks are readily available adjacent to the sites and waterway
gradient is very steep. Ballasting is generally recommended for the waterways
in the small farms. The stones to be used for this purpose should be at least
of 15 to 20 cm diameter; and they should be placed firmly on the ground. From
stability point of view, on very steep slopes, wire mesh should be used to
encase the stones. In parabolic shaped waterways, partial ballasting should be
done in the centre, leaving the sides with grass protection.
Step 4: Placing of Structure
Structures (drop) are essential if
there is sudden fall in the waterway flow path. Because under this situation,
there is a possibility of soil scouring due to falling of water flow from a
higher elevation to a lower elevation. For eliminating this problem, the
constructed structure must be sufficiently strong to handle the designed flows
successfully. As a precautionary measure, care should be taken to see that the
water must not flow from the below or around the structure but through the top
of the structure. In addition, the structure should be constructed on firm
soils with strong and deep foundation. The apron or stilling basin of drop
structures should be sufficiently strong and able to absorb or dissipate the
energy/impact of falling water. After construction, earth filling should be
done around the structure and it should be properly consolidated to prevent
further settlement. Proper sodding should also be provided at the junction of
earth filling and the structure to prevent tunneling.
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
27.4.1 Maintenance
The grasses grown in waterway
should always be kept short and flexible, so that they shingle as water flows
over them, but do not lodge permanently. For this purpose, the grass should be
mowed two to three times in a year. The mowed grasses must be removed from the
waterway, so that they do not get accumulated at some spots in the waterway and
also should not obstruct the flow. The deposition of mowed grasses in the
section of the waterway reduces the flow capacity of the waterway and also
diverts the direction of flowing water which can cause turbulence and thus
damage of the channel. It is also possible to keep the grasses short by light
pasturing, which should not be done in wet condition. When the grass is
pastured, it is necessary to apply manure to discourage grazing. The waterway
should not be used as a road for livestock. After the vegetative cover is
established and runoff passes through them for a long time, a light application
of fertilizer should be done because the flowing runoff removes the plant food
from the soil of waterway.
Similarly, if waterways are to be
crossed by tillage implements, they should be disengaged, plough should be
lifted and disc straightened. Tillage operation should also be done following
nearly the contour. The waterway and its sides should not be touched during
tillage operation. It is also essential that if there is any damage of the
waterway, it should be quickly repaired so that the damage may not enlarge due
to rainfalls. Overall, it should always be remembered that the waterways are an
integral part of watershed conservation or land treatment system. If they fail
to handle the peak discharge due to lack of proper maintenance, then the
prolong flow of runoff through them can develop gullies in the area. Briefly,
the maintenance of waterways can be taken up using the following process.
a) The outlets should be safe and open so as
not to impede the free flow.
b) Grassed waterways should not be used as
footpaths, animal tracks, or as grazing grounds.
c) Frequent crossing of waterways by wheeled
vehicles should not be allowed.
d) Newly established waterways should be kept
under strict watch.
e) The large waterways should be kept under
protection with fencing.
f) Waterways must be inspected frequently
during first two rainy seasons, after construction.
g) If there is any break in the channel or
structures, then they should be repaired immediately.
h) The bushes or large plants grown in the
waterway should be removed immediately as they may endanger the growth of
i) The level of grass in waterway should be
kept as low and uniform as possible to avoid turbulent flow.
Soil and Water Conservation
Module 9: Water Harvesting
Lesson 28 Water Harvesting
28.1 Importance of Water Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting, in its
broadest sense, is a technology used for collecting and storing rainwater for
human use from rooftops, land surfaces or rock catchments using simple
techniques such as jars and pots as well as engineered techniques. Rainwater harvesting
has been practiced for more than 4,000 years, owing to the temporal and spatial
variability of rainfall. It is an important water source in many areas with
significant rainfall but lacking any kind of conventional, centralised supply
system. It is also a good option in areas where good quality fresh surface
water or ground water is lacking. Water harvesting enables efficient collection
and storage of rainwater, makes it accessible and substitute for poor quality
water. There are a number of ways by which water harvesting can benefit a
Improvement in the quality of
ground water,
Rise in the water levels in wells
and bore wells that are drying up,
Mitigation of the effects of
drought and attainment of drought proofing,
An ideal solution in areas having
inadequate water resources,
Reduction in the soil erosion as
the surface runoff is reduced,
Decrease in the choking of storm
water drains and flooding of roads and
Saving of energy to lift ground
28.2 Types of Water Harvesting
Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater
harvesting is defined as the method for inducing, collecting, storing and conserving local
surface runoff for agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions. Three types of
water harvesting are covered by rainwater harvesting.
Water collected from roof tops,
courtyards and similar compacted or treated surfaces is used for domestic
purpose or garden crops.
Micro-catchment water harvesting
is a method of collecting surface runoff from a small catchment area and
storing it in the root zone of an adjacent infiltration basin. The basin is
planted with a tree, a bush or with annual crops.
Macro-catchment water harvesting,
also called harvesting from external catchments is the case where runoff from
hill-slope catchments is conveyed to the cropping area located at foothill on
flat terrain.
Soil and Water Conservation
Flood Water Harvesting: Flood water
harvesting can be defined as the collection and storage of creek flow for
irrigation use. Flood water harvesting, also known as „large catchment water
harvesting‟ or „Spate Irrigation‟, may be classified into following two forms:
In case of „flood water
harvesting within stream bed‟, the water flow is dammed and as a result,
inundates the valley bottom of the flood plain. The water is forced to
infiltrate and the wetted area can be used for agriculture or pasture
In case of „flood water
diversion‟, the wadi water is forced to leave its natural course and conveyed
to nearby cropping fields.
Groundwater Harvesting: Groundwater
harvesting is a rather new term and employed to cover traditional as well as
unconventional ways of ground water extraction. Qanat systems, underground dams
and special types of wells are a few examples of the groundwater harvesting
techniques. Groundwater dams like „Subsurface Dams‟ and „Sand Storage Dams‟ are
other fine examples of groundwater harvesting. They obstruct the flow of
ephemeral streams in a river bed; the water is stored in the sediment below
ground surface and can be used for aquifer recharge.
28.3 Water Harvesting Technique
This includes runoff harvesting,
flood water harvesting and groundwater harvesting.
28.3.1 Runoff Harvesting
Runoff harvesting for short and
long term is done by constructing structures as given below. Short Term Runoff
Harvesting Techniques
Contour Bunds: This method involves
the construction of bunds on the contour of the catchment area (Fig. 28.1).
These bunds hold the flowing surface runoff in the area located between two
adjacent bunds. The height of contour bund generally ranges from 0.30 to 1.0 m
and length from 10 to a few 100 meters. The side slope of the bund should be as
per the requirement. The height of the bund determines the storage capacity of
its upstream area.
Fig. 28.1. Contour Bunds. (Source:
Barron and Salas, 2009)
Semicircular Hoop: This type of
structure consists of an earthen impartment constructed in the shape of a
semicircle (Fig. 28.2). The tips of the semicircular hoop are furnished on the
contour. The water contributed from the area is collected within the hoop to a
maximum depth equal to the height of the embankment. Excess water is discharged
from the point around the tips to the next lower hoop. The rows of semicircular
hoops are arranged in a
Soil and Water Conservation
staggered form so that the over
flowing water from the upper row can be easily interrupted by the lower row.
The height of hoop is kept from 0.1 to 0.5 m and radius varies from 5 to 30 m.
Such type of structure is mostly used for irrigation of grasses, fodder,
shrubs, trees etc.
Fig. 28.2. Layout of Semi-Circular
Hoop. (Source: Barron and Salas 2009)
Trapezoidal Bunds: Such bunds also
consist of an earthen embankment, constructed in the shape of trapezoids. The
tips of the bund wings are placed on the contour. The runoff water yielded from
the watershed is collected into the covered area. The excess water overflows
around the tips. In this system of water harvesting the rows of bunds are also
arranged in staggered form to intercept the overflow of water from the adjacent
upstream areas. The layout of the trapezoidal bunds is the same as the
semicircular hoops, but they unusually cover a larger area (Fig. 28.3).
Trapezoidal bund technique is suitable for the areas where the rainfall
intensity is too high and causes large surface flow to damage the contour
bunds. This technique of water harvesting is widely used for irrigating crops,
grasses, shrubs, trees etc.
Fig. 28.3. Layout of Trapezoidal
Bund. (Source: Barron and Salas, 2009)
Graded Bunds: Graded bunds also
referred as off contour bunds. They consist of earthen or stone embankments and
are constructed on a land with a slope range of 0.5 to 2%. The design and
construction of graded bunds are different from the contour bunds. They are
used as an option where rainfall intensity and soils are such that the runoff
water discharged
Soil and Water Conservation
from the field can be easily
intercepted. The excess intercepted or harvested water is diverted to the next
field though a channel ranges. The height of the graded bund ranges from 0.3 to
0.6 m. The downstream bunds consist of wings to intercept the overflowing water
from the upstream bunds. Due to this, the configuration of the graded bund
looks like an open ended trapezoidal bund. That is why sometimes it is also
known as modified trapezoidal bund. This type of bunds for water harvesting is
generally used for irrigating the crops.
Rock Catchment: The rock catchments
are the exposed rock surfaces, used for collecting the runoff water in a part
as depressed area. The water harvesting under this method can be explained as:
when rainfall occurs on the exposed rock surface, runoff takes place very
rapidly because there is very little loss. The runoff so formed is drained
towards the lowest point called storage tank and the harvested water is stored
there. The area of rock catchment may vary from a 100 m2 to few 1000 m2;
accordingly the dimensions of the storage tank should also be designed. The
water collected in the tank can be used for domestic use or irrigation
Ground Catchment: In this method, a
large area of ground is used as catchment for runoff yield. The runoff is
diverted into a storage tank where it is stored. The ground is cleared from
vegetation and compacted very well. The channels are as well compacted to
reduce the seepage or percolation loss and sometimes they are also covered with
gravel. Ground catchments are also called roaded catchments. This process is
also called runoff inducement. Ground catchments have also been traditionally
used since last 4000 years in the Negev (a desert in southern Israel) where
annul crops and some drought tolerant species like pistachio dependent on such
harvested water are grown. Long Term Runoff Harvesting
The long term runoff harvesting is
done for building a large water storage for the purpose of irrigation, fish
farming, electricity generation etc. It is done by constructing reservoirs and
big ponds in the area. The design criteria of these constructions are given
Watershed should contribute a
sufficient amount of runoff.
There should be suitable
collection site, where water can be safely stored.
Appropriate techniques should be
used for minimizing various types of water losses such as seepage and
evaporation during storage and its subsequent use in the watershed.
There should also be some
suitable methods for efficient utilization of the harvested water for
maximizing crop yield per unit volume of available water.
The most common long term runoff
harvesting structures are:
Dugout Ponds
Embankment Type Reservoirs
Dugout Ponds: The dugout ponds are
constructed by excavating the soil from the ground surface. These ponds may be
fed by ground water or surface runoff or by both. Construction of these ponds
is limited to those areas which have land slope less than 4% and where water
table lies within 1.5-2 meters depth from the ground surface (Fig. 28.4).
Dugout ponds
Soil and Water Conservation
involve more construction cost,
therefore these are generally recommended when embankment type ponds are not
economically feasible. The dugout ponds can also be recommended where maximum
utilization of the harvested runoff water is possible for increasing the
production of some important crops. This type of ponds require brick lining
with cement plastering to ensure maximum storage by reducing the seepage
Fig. 28.4. Illustration of Dugout
Pond. (Source: Barron and Salas, 2009)
Embankment Type Reservoir: These
types of reservoirs are constructed by forming a dam or embankment on the
valley or depression of the catchment area.
The runoff water is collected into this reservoir and is used as per
requirement. The storage capacity of the reservoir is determined on the basis
of water requirement for various demands and available surface runoff from the
catchment. In a situation when heavy
uses of water are expected, then the storage capacity of the reservoir must be
kept sufficient so that it can fulfill the demand for more than one year.
Embankment type reservoirs are
again classified as given below according to the purpose for which they are
Irrigation Dam: The irrigation dams
are mainly meant to store the surface water for irrigating the crops. The
capacity is decided based on the amount of input water available and output
water desired. These dams have the provisions of gated pipe spillway for taking
out the water from the reservoir. Spillway is located at the bottom of the dam
leaving some minimum dead storage below it.
Silt Detention Dam: The basic
purpose of silt detention dam is to detain the silt load coming along with the
runoff water from the catchment area and simultaneously to harvest water. The
silt laden water is stored in the depressed part of the catchment where the
silt deposition takes place and comparatively silt free water is diverted for
use. Such dams are located at the lower reaches of the catchment where water
enters the valley and finally released into the streams. In this type of dam,
provision of outlet is made for taking out the water for irrigation purposes.
For better result a series of such dams can be constructed along the slope of
the catchment.
High Level Pond: Such dams are
located at the head of the valley to form the shape of a water tank or pond.
The stored water in the pond is used to irrigate the area lying downstream.
Usually, for better result a series of ponds can be constructed in such a way
that the command area of the tank located upstream forms the catchment area for
Soil and Water Conservation
downstream tank. Thus all but the uppermost tanks are
facilitated with the collection of runoff and excess irrigation water from the
adjacent higher catchment area.
Farm Pond: Farm ponds are
constructed for multi-purpose objectives, such as for irrigation, live-stock,
water supply to the cattle feed, fish production etc. The pond should have
adequate capacity to meet all the requirements. The location of farm pond
should be such that all requirements are easily and conveniently met.
Water Harvesting Pond: The farm
ponds can be considered as water harvesting ponds. They may be dugout or
embankment type. Their capacity depends upon the size of catchment area. Runoff
yield from the catchment is diverted into these ponds, where it is properly
stored. Measures against seepage and evaporation losses from these ponds should
also be.
Percolation Dam: These dams are
generally constructed at the valley head, without the provision of checking the
percolation loss. Thus, a large portion of the runoff is stored in the soil.
The growing crops on downstream side of the dam, receive the percolated water
for their growth.
28.3.2 Flood Water Harvesting
To harvest flood water, wide
valleys are reshaped and formed into a series of broad level terraces and the
flood water is allowed to enter into them. The flood water is spread on these
terraces where some amount of it is absorbed by the soil which is used later on
by the crops grown in the area. Therefore, it is often referred to as
"Water Spreading" and sometimes "Spate Irrigation". The
main characteristics of water spreading are:
Turbulent channel flow is
harvested either (a) by diversion or (b) by spreading within the channel
bed/valley floor.
Runoff is stored in soil profile.
It has usually a long catchment
(may be several km)
The ratio between catchment to
cultivated area lies above 10:1.
It has provision for overflow of
excess water.
The typical examples of flood water
harvesting through water spreading are given
Permeable Rock Dams (for Crops)
These are long low rock dams across
valleys slowing and spreading floodwater as well as healing gullies (Fig.
28.5). These are suitable for a situation where gently sloping valleys are
likely to transform into gullies and better water spreading is required.
Soil and Water Conservation
Fig. 28.5. Permeable Rock Dams.
(Source: Barron and Salas, 2009)
Water Spreading Bunds (for Crops
and Rangeland): In this method, runoff water is diverted to the area covered by
graded bund by constructing diversion structures such as diversion drains. They
lead to the basin through channels, where crops are irrigated by flooding. Earthen
bunds are set at a gradient, with a "dogleg" shape and helps in
spreading diverted floodwater (Fig. 28.6). These are constructed in arid areas
where water is diverted from watercourse onto crop or fodder block.
Fig. 28.6. Floodwater farming systems:
(a) spreading within channel bed; (b) diversion system. (Source: Barron and
Salas, 2009)
Flood Control Reservoir: The
reservoirs constructed at suitable sites for controlling the flood are known as
flood control reservoirs. They are well equipped with self-operating mechanical
outlets for letting out the harvested water into the stream or canal below the
reservoir as per requirement.
28.3.3 Groundwater Harvesting
Qanat System: A qanat consists of a
long tunnel or conduit leading from a well dug at a reliable source of
groundwater (the mother well). Often, the mother well is dug at the base of a
hill or in the foothills of a mountain range. The tunnel leading from the
mother well slopes gradually downward to communities in the valley below. Access shafts are dug intermittently along
the horizontal conduit to allow for construction and maintenance of the qanat
(Fig. 28.7). The Qanat system was used widely across Persia and the Middle East
Soil and Water Conservation
many reasons. First, the system
requires no energy, relies on the force of gravity alone. Second, the system
can carry water across long distances through subterranean chambers avoiding
leakage, evaporation, or pollution. And lastly, the discharge is fixed by
nature, producing only the amount of water that is distributed naturally from a
spring or mountain, ensuring that the water table is not depleted. More importantly,
it allows access to a reliable and plentiful source of water to those living in
otherwise marginal landscapes (Fig. 28.8).
Fig. 28.7. Cross Section Showing
Qanats. (Source: Barron and Salas, 2009)
Fig. 28.8. Ariel view of Qanats.
28.4 Runoff vs. Flood Water
Water harvesting techniques which
harvest runoff from roofs or ground surfaces fall under the term rainwater
harvesting while all systems which collect discharges from watercourses are
grouped under the term flood water harvesting.
Runoff harvesting increases water
availability for on-site vegetation while flood waters harvesting provide a
valuable source of water to local and downstream water users and play an
important role in replenishing floodplains, rivers, wetlands and groundwater.
Soil and Water Conservation
Runoff harvesting reduces water
flow velocity, as well as erosion rate and controls siltation problem while in
flood water harvesting, floodwater enters into the fields through the inundation
canals, carrying not only rich silt but also fish which can swim through the
canals into the lakes and tanks to feed on the larva of mosquitoes.
Soil and Water Conservation
Module 10: Water Quality and
Lesson 29 Water Pollution
Water pollution, whether in
groundwater or surface water, is contamination or alteration of the physical,
chemical or biological property of the water that causes the water to be
harmful, detrimental or injurious to the public health, safety or welfare; or
to the plant, animal or aquatic life dependent on the water or that impairs any
designated beneficial use of the water.
29.1 Types of Water Pollution
Different types of water pollution
can be listed as below.
1. Surface water pollution
2. Groundwater pollution
3. Microbial pollution
4. Oxygen depletion pollution
5. Nutrient pollution
6. Suspended matter pollution
7. Chemical pollution
1) Surface Water Pollution: Surface
water pollution is the most visible form of pollution and can be seen floating
on the water surface in lakes, streams, and oceans. Trash from human
consumption, such as water bottles, plastics and other waste products, is most
often evident on water surfaces. It also originates from oil spills and
gasoline waste, which floats on the surface and affects the water and its
2) Groundwater Pollution:
Groundwater pollution is becoming more and more relevant because it affects our
drinking water obtained from the aquifers. Groundwater pollution is usually
caused by highly toxic chemicals and pesticides that leak through the ground to
contaminate the wells and aquifers below the surface.
3) Microbial Pollution:
Microbiological pollution is the natural form of water pollution that is caused
by microorganisms in uncured water. Most of these organisms are harmless but
some bacteria, viruses, and protozoa can cause serious diseases such as
cholera, typhoid, etc. This is a significant problem in third world or
developing countries where many people have no clean drinking water and/or
facilities to purify the water.
4) Oxygen Depletion Pollution:
Microorganisms that thrive in water feed on biodegradable substances. When
there is an influx of biodegradable material from sources such as waste or
erosion from farming, the numbers of these microorganisms increase and utilize
the usable oxygen. When the oxygen level is depleted, beneficial aerobic
microorganisms die and anaerobic microorganisms thrive. Some of these organisms
produce damaging toxins like sulfide and ammonia.
Soil and Water Conservation
5) Nutrient Pollution: Nutrients
are usually found in wastewater and fertilizers. Excess concentration of
nutrients in water bodies can cause increased vegetation in the water bodies
such as algae and weeds, using up the oxygen in the water and affecting the surrounding
marine life and other organisms in the water.
6) Suspended Matter Pollution: It
occurs when pollutants enter the water and do not mix with the water molecules.
These suspended particles form fine silt on the waterbed, harming the marine
life by taking away the nutrients, restricting oxygen diffusion into the water
body and disturbing their habitat.
7) Chemical Pollution: From
industrial plants and farms, chemical runoff flows into the nearby rivers and
water sources. Metals and solvents flow out of factories into the water,
polluting the water and affecting wildlife. Pesticides from farms also endanger
the aquatic life. These dangerous pesticides and toxins can get transferred
through infected fish and affects human health. Petroleum is also a type of
chemical pollutant that dramatically affects the aquatic life.
29.2 Sources of Water Pollution
Based on the sources, water
pollution is broadly divided into two groups (Fig. 29.1):
1. Point Sources Pollution
2. Non-Point Sources Pollution
1) Point Sources Pollution:
Contamination that enters a waterway from a single, identifiable source, traced
to a specific source is considered as point source pollution of water. Point
source pollution comes directly from a known source like an industrial or sewage
outfall pipe. Point sources are typically associated with manufacturing
processes. Point source contamination includes leaking chemical tanks,
effluents coming from a waste treatment of industrial plant, manure spill from
a hog confinement lagoon, discharge from a sewage treatment plant, factory,
city storm drain, industrial storm water, discharge from construction sites,
leakage of oil tankers in the sea, septic tank systems, storage lagoons for
polluted waste, municipal landfills, underground storage tanks containing
pollutants such as gasoline, public and industrial wastewater treatment plants
2) Non-point Sources Pollution:
Contamination that does not originate from a single discrete source is called
non-point source pollution. It is the cumulative effect of small amounts of
contaminants gathered from wide spread area. They can‟t be tracked to a single
point or source. They come from many miscellaneous or diffuse sources rather
than from an identifiable, specific point. It includes soil erosion, chemical
runoff, animal waste pollution, leaching out of fertilizers from agricultural
lands and nutrient runoff in storm water from agricultural field and forest. It
also includes contaminated storm water washed off from parking lots, roads and
highways, also called urban runoff. Other significant sources of non- point
source pollution include litter; disposal of wastes in catch basins; hazardous
waste improperly stored or discarded; improperly operating septic systems;
erosion from construction sites, farms or home sites; acid deposition including
acid rain and fog; pollution from roadways and road salting activities; leaking
sewer lines; storm-water runoff from city and suburban streets (oil gasoline,
dog faeces, litter); pesticides and fertilizers from croplands; and salt on
roads for snow and ice control.
Soil and Water Conservation
Fig. 29.1. Point and Non-Point
Source Pollution. (Source : Calhoun, 2009)
29.3 Effects of Water Pollution
Physio-Chemical Effects: A large
number of pollutants can impart colour, tastes and odors to the receiving
waters thus, making them unaesthetic and even unfit for domestic consumption.
The changes in oxygen, temperature and pH affect the chemistry of waters
resulting in the formation of unwanted products. The addition of organic matter
results in depletion of oxygen. The direct addition of nutrients through
various sources enhances the algal and other biological growths which when die
and decompose, further deplete the oxygen. The decomposition of excessive
organic matter when undergoes in absence of oxygen results in odorous and
unaesthetic conditions due to accumulation of several obnoxious gases like
ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and methane etc.
Biological Effects: The addition of
pollutants leads to the shift in flora and fauna due to homoeostatic
(self-regulating) factors operating in the aquatic systems. Most freshwater
algae are highly sensitive to pollutants and their elimination modifies the
prey-predatory relationships by breaking down the food chains. This results in
change of the whole plant and animal communities. The diversity of organisms
increases due to encouragement of the growth of only a few tolerant forms in
the polluted conditions.
Toxic Effects: These are caused by
pollutants such as heavy metals, biocides, cyanide and other organic and
inorganic compounds having detrimental effects on organisms. These substances
have usually very low permissible limits in waters and their presence beyond
these limits can render the water unfit for aquatic biota and even for human
Pathogenic Effects: In addition to
the chemical substances, polluted water has several pathogenic, nonpathogenic
microorganisms and viruses. The clostridium, perfingersans, staftoculus,
ficaliris cause various types of food poisoning. Apart from this, many
waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, colitis and infective
hepatitis (jaundice) are spread by consumption of sewage contaminated waters.
Soil and Water Conservation
There could be big list of pollutants
and their specific effects. A few of the effects of specific pollutants present
in water are summarized in Table 29.1.
Table 29.1. Effects of Specific
Pollutants Present in Water
Pollutants Effects
Zinc (Zn)
It is an important cell component
in several metalloenzymes. Heavy doses of Zinc salt (165 mg/l) for consecutive
26 days cause vomiting, renal damage, cramps, etc.
Copper (Cu)
Excess of Cu in human body (more
than 470 mg) is toxic, may cause hypertension, sporadic fever, uremia and coma.
Copper also produces pathological changes in brain tissue.
Barium (Ba)
Excess of Ba (more than 100 mg) in
human body may cause excessive salivation, colic, vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors,
paralysis of muscles or nervous system, damage to heart and blood vessels.
Iron (Fe)
It is a component of blood cells
and liveral metalloenzymes. However, more than 10 mg per kg of body weight
causes rapid respiration and pulse rates, congestion of blood vessels,
hypertension and drowsiness. It increases hazard of pathogenic organisms, as
many of them require Fe for their growth.
Cadmium (Cd)
50 mg may cause vomiting,
diarrhoea, abdominal pains, loss of consciousness. It takes 5–10 years for
chronic Cd intoxication. During first phase, discolouration of teeth, loss of
sense of smell and mouth dryness occurs. Afterwards it may cause decrease of
red blood cells, impairment of bone marrow, lumber pains, disturbance in
calcium metabolism, softening of bones, fractures, skeletal deformations,
damage of kidney, hypertension, tumor formation, heart disease, impaired
reproductive function, genetic mutation, etc.
Mercury (Hg)
Excess mercury in human body (more
than 100 mg) may cause headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, destruction of
haemoglobin, tremors, very bad effects on cerebral functions and central
nervous system, paralysis, damage of renal tissues, hyper coagulability of
blood, mimamata disease, inactivates functional proteins and even causes death.
It may cause impairment of vision and muscles and even coma. It disturbs
reproductive and endocrine system. It also causes insomnia, memory loss, gum
inflammation, loosening of teeth, loss of appetite, etc.
Lead (Pb) More than 400 mg of lead
in human body can cause brain damage, vomiting, loss of appetite, convulsions,
uncoordinated body movements, helplessly
Soil and Water Conservation
amazed state, and coma. It is
retained in liver, kidney, brain, muscle, soft tissues, and bones. It leads to
high rate of miscarriages, affects skin, and respiratory system, damages
kidney, liver and brain cells. It also disturbs endocrine system, causes
anaemia, and long term exposure may cause even death.
Arsenic (As)
It is poisonous to fishes, animals
and humans. More than 25 mg of arsenic in human body causes vomiting,
diarrhoea, nausea, irritation of nose and throat, abdominal pain, skin
eruptions inflammations and even death. It binds globulin of blood haemoglobin
in erythrocytes. It may cause cancer of skin, lungs and liver, chromosomal
aberration and damage, gangrene, loss of hearing, injury to nerve tissue, liver
and kidney damage. Minor symptoms of As poisoning, are weight loss, hair loss,
nausea, depression, fatigue, white lines across toe nails and finger nails.
Vanadium (V) It is very toxic, may
cause paralysis.
Silver (Ag)
It causes pathological change in
kidney, liver and may even damage kidney. and may cause Argyria (discolouration
of skin). It affects mucous membranes and eyes. In high doses, it may be fatal
to humans.
Radioactive materials/
These generally cause „Gene‟
mutation, ionization of body fluids, chromosomnal mutations and cancers. It
destroys body cell tissue, and adversely affects reproductive system. If the
mother is exposed to radiation during pregnancy, it causes severe mental
retardation and leukaemia in infants. Radioactive metals like heavy metals are
nephrotoxic and damage kidneys.
Excess fluoride intake in body
results in progressive crippling scourge (sponging)/fluorosis of bones, and
teeth. It may cause metabolic alternations in soft tissues and their functional
Selenium (Se)
Signs of Se poisoning (more than 4
mg) are fever, nervousness, vomiting and low blood pressure. It causes damage
to liver, kidney and spleen, loss of nails and hair and blindness to animals.
It affects enzyme systems and interferes with sulphur metabolism. It can cause
growth inhibition, skin discolouration, bad teeth, psychological problem, and
gastro intestinal problems, but trace amount of Se is protective against
poisoning by Hg, Cd, and Ag.
Chromium (Cr)
Any chromium compound is toxic but
hexavalent Cr greater than 70 mg is very toxic. It causes cancer, anuria,
nephritis, gastrointestinal ulceration, and perforation in partition of nose.
It penetrates cell membrane and badly affects the central nervous system. It
causes respiratory trouble and lung
Soil and Water Conservation
tumors when inhaled. It may cause
complications during pregnancy. and has an adverse effect on aquatic life.
Trace amount of CrIII is essential for normal glucose, protein and fat
metabolism and hence it is an essential trace element in diet.
Manganese (Mn)
Mn is essential for mammals but in
concentration greater than 100 ppm, is toxic and causes growth retardation,
fever, sexual impotence, muscles fatigue, and eye blindness.
Cobalt (Co) High dose (27 mg or
above) can cause paralysis, diarrhoea, low blood pressure, lung irritation and
bone defects.
Nickel (Ni) More than 30 mg may
cause changes in muscle, brain, lungs, liver and kidneys and can also cause
cancer, tremor, paralysis and even death.
Boron (B)
Boron in traces is essential for
plant growth. In higher concentration it is harmful to crops and affects
metabolic activities of plants. It also affects central nervous system.
Alkalinity and Acidity
Permissible range of pH value if
violated may cause health problems to human and animals and loss of productivity
in agriculture.
Phosphate and nitrates
Phosphates and nitrates are soil
nutrients and not toxic in low concentration. They deplete oxygen by promoting
excess algae production in water and - giving bad odour and taste of water
which are detrimental to aquatic life. They are toxic for human and animal life
if concentration is beyond the permissible limits. Nitrates also cause cyanosis
or blue body disease.
Chlorine (Cl) It destroys plant and
aquatic life and is a biocide.
Sulphide It gives bad odour, toxic
to many aquatic organisms and animals.
Salinity Salinity is very harmful
for soils as it destroys agricultural land.
Oil Sludge
Petroleum products in general are
very harmful for soils, aquatic life, animal, human and plant life. They are
very toxic. Agricultural land may suffer accumulation of oily waste affecting
aeration and fertility. Many constituents of oily sludge are even carcinogenic
and potent immunotoxicants.
Surfactants They are toxic and
harmful for aquatic life, animals and humans. They
Soil and Water Conservation
and detergents
inhibit self-purification of water.
Phenols They are toxic and impart
objectionable odour. They generally subdue plant growth. Some phenols
(nitrophenyl etc) are carcinogens.
Cyanides Cyanide poses a serious
health hazard. Apart from acute toxicity and chronic toxicity, it leads to
development of iodine deficiency disorders.
They are highly poisonous for
humans and animals. Also they lower seed germination, play a role in the
development of Parkinson‟s disease, destruction of nerve cells in certain
regions of brain resulting in loss of dopamine which is used by nerve cells to communicate
with brain. Some of these are physical poisons, some are protoplasmic poisons
causing liver damage, some are respiratory poisons and some are nerve poisons.
Aluminium (Al)
It is especially toxic for brain
and sometimes may lead to Alzheimer‟s disease in humans.
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